Monday 6 May 2013

Above Llanbedr-y-Cenin

An early morning start and I was off up to Bwlch y Ddeufaen. On the way up I was surprised by an unusual sight - 5 Jays in one tree. They seemed to be happy enough - I expected them to be fighting. The camera was stuck in its bag on the back seat though - there's a lesson! The hillside was still, no wind at all, and the general background noise of birdsong was pretty amazing. I heard my first Cuckoo of the year, singing its two-note song away in the distance.
At the top, I expected to see a few Stonechats and maybe even a Whinchat but there were none - most unusual, but maybe a little early in the year? Wheatears were by far the commonest bird, followed by Meadow Pipits and I managed to catch a glimpse of a single Ring Ouzel as it flew across the hillside.


Meadow Pipit:

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