Sunday, 26 May 2013

Cemlyn Bay with a bonus Osprey!

I'd been wanting to get out to Cemlyn for a few weeks now. The weather was great, if a bit windy but I figured that a wind from the south would slow the Terns down as they flew past the camera - as-if! Still, I had managed a few shots when the shout went up "Osprey!". A totally unexpected bonus, the bird hung around for a couple of minutes (humbugged by Oystercatchers), long enough for me a to get a couple of long-range grab shots. From the bird's pose in a couple of them it looked like fishing was under consideration and with mullet in the lagoon, why not. Unfortunately the bird just drifted off but definitely added a moment's excitement to the visit.
This was also my first visit with my Sigma 120-300mm F2.8 lens. I'm really pleased - it's a keeper!

Sandwich Tern were bringing back sand eels for their mates who were sitting on eggs - awww!

This one is in the middle of a manoeuvre to change direction - see the twisted wings and tail....

Common Terns are strangely not as common as the Sandwich Terns and have the red bill with the black tip

Least numerous are the Arctic Terns with the pure red bill. I love their delicate long tail.

But I must admit that the bonus bird was the Osprey. Not posing for any photos, just drifting through but so special!
The Oystercatchers were giving it a hard time though...

It definitely looked like it was sussing out the prospects for a spot of fishing...

But in the end it just drifted off

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